What’s the Coalition’s role in the NOFO?
Prior to 2009, organizations would individually apply to the federal government for funding. In 2009, there was a federal shift that required communities to submit a collaborative application for this funding that showed collective impact on solving homelessness. These collaborative applications show that funds are being put to work in a more strategic and efficient way.
The Coalition for the Homeless leads this collaborative application process for our local CoC. Each individual program completes an application, but the Coalition puts them together, adds in a big picture system narrative, and then submits the final application to HUD. Applications must demonstrate broad community participation and identify resources and gaps in the community’s approach to providing permanent housing and other critical services that address homelessness.
Under the Coalition’s leadership, we have been able to nearly double the public funding in our region from $25 million in 2012 to more than $42 million in 2020. Funds secured through the NOFO represent the largest single award of federal money that comes into the community each year toward solving homelessness. These dollars fund things like permanent housing, rental assistance, and supportive services.
How can I learn more?
Click here to read a press release from HUD announcing the competition. The Coalition website details the process for partner agencies of The Way Home.