Ashley Paige Allen, Ph.D
Houston Community Land Trust, Executive Director
What do you love most about the Houston region?
I love all the delicious food in Houston. I am a foodie and good food can be found in all parts of Houston at all price points and is easily accessible.
Why is the area of homelessness important to you?
I was a homeless youth for many years and so I understand the financial, emotional, and educational challenges of experiencing homelessness and it is something nobody should have to experience. In a country as rich as ours, at the very least people should have access to a clean, safe place to live.
What do you hope to contribute to the Coalition and people experiencing homelessness?
I would like to contribute knowledge on how the issue of homelessness intersects other societal issues. Homelessness is not only about housing. To truly get to the root of the problem, we have to address issues such as pay disparities, healthcare, and education. Having worked in the field of education and workforce development, I believe I can bring that perspective to the conversation. It is my hope that when we get to the root of the problem of homelessness, more effective solutions can be developed. I would also like to advocate for the voices of those experiencing homelessness to be heard when policies and programs are being developed to also improve effectiveness. I believe lived experience is a useful but under-utilized tool in policymaking and program development.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the work I did as a Program Manager and Program Director for several youth programs in Chicago for over 10 years. Many students that I worked with are thriving and have become leaders in their professional fields, homeowners, parents, change agents, and all-around good people. For many of my students, society would have counted them out but I was part of the village of parents, mentors, educators, family, and friends that let them know they could and would live up to their full potential.
If you invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, who would you invite and why?
Prince because he is my favorite musical artist. I was actually front row at his final concert just a week before he died. I know he has some great stories to tell and later in his life he was very much involved in social justice movements which would lend to some interesting conversation. I would also invite author and professor Tressie McMillan Cottom. She is a MacArthur Genius Fellow which is one of my life goals so I would like to hear about that experience. She is brilliant but does not take herself too seriously and loves food so I think she would be a perfect dinner date. Lastly my maternal grandmother because she passed before I was born so I would like to learn more about her and what it was like to raise seven girls in rural South Carolina.