“On behalf of the entire 100,000 Homes Campaign team, I want to extend a warm & enthusiastic welcome to the elite 2.5% club! For three months in a row now, your community has housed people at an average of 2.5% of your baseline chronic and vulnerable population. That’s amazing! This is the difference between talking about ending homelessness and actually doing it! Houston’s meteoric rise as a community in the 100k Homes Campaign is nothing short of astonishing. And yet.. we shouldn’t be surprised!
We are inspired by what is no doubt a herculean effort on your part! You join the now 45 and growing communities enrolled in the campaign that are part of the 2.5% club. We will highlight your accomplishment in our monthly published “Fully Committed List” that is distributed (and read) by our national and strategic partners, including Barbara Poppe, Assistant Secretaries at HUD and the VA, and many foundation leaders. Whenever we can, our plan is to highlight that you are in the 2.5% club, with the faith that together leaders like you will create the groundswell of momentum pointing the way to what is possible for your colleagues across the country.
Our coach and mentor, Dan Heath, advised us that one of the best things we can do is provide an opportunity for high performers to talk amongst themselves. Now that you’re in the 2.5% club, we will include you on an email listserve that is for high performers ONLY. Please take advantage of this opportunity to swap ideas, ask questions, and offer support to your fellow change agents.
Congratulations! We’re so proud of what you’re doing – we hope you are, too!
In solidarity,