“Houston's message is this: What's really essential to success is committing to homes, not just managing homelessness.
“‘What Houston has done for this country is, it's established a playbook that now allows any city to do the same, because we've proven that it can be done,’ Chapman Semple said.”
Watch the full segment on CBS Sunday Morning.
“Houston’s plan to end homelessness in the city, the Coalition for the Homeless-run Housing First initiative, was featured in a segment on CBS Sunday Morning this week, during which leaders touted it as a model for the nation.”
Read the full article on the Houston Chronicle.
“Kelly Young, President CEO Houston Coalition for the Homeless joins Tom Ackerman and Megan Lynch talking about the success that Houston has had to get the homeless off the streets.”
Listen to the full interview on KMOX.
“Resources differ depending on a person's situation. The Coalition for the Homeless in Houston and Harris County considers housing the ultimate solution to homelessness. But they use the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's definition of homelessness as someone living in a shelter or a place not meant for habitation (outside, a vehicle, an abandoned building).”
Read the full article on the Houston Chronicle.
“People experiencing homelessness need stable housing. In Houston and New Orleans, practitioners have designed homelessness response systems that prioritize housing over shelter stays. These systems also include other services.
“In this episode, we hear from Next City’s Housing Correspondent Roshan Abraham, who explains the ‘Housing First’ approach to ending homelessness.”
Listen to the full interview on Next City.
2000 Crawford St., Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
*Please note we do not provide onsite services for people experiencing homelessness. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call 211.
(713) 739-7514
All Rights Reserved |
Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County (CFTH)