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Funding Information

A major function of the Coalition for the Homeless as lead agency to The Way Home is to prepare the annual application to the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for Continuum of Care (CoC) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance funding. These resources are invaluable for providing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness. These funds are made available through a national competition announced each year in HUD’s Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Applications must demonstrate broad community participation and identify resources and gaps in the community’s approach to providing permanent housing and other critical services that address homelessness. 

Federal funds are also provided through Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The Coalition also works to source other federal, state, local, and private dollars to meet the needs of people and families experiencing homelessness. 

E-Newsletter Sign-up Opportunities

Click the button below to sign up for the monthly “The Way Home CoC Connection” e-newsletter to receive information on what’s happening in the Houston region’s homeless response system. 
The Way Home CoC Connection
Click the button below to sign up for the Funding Opportunities Distribution List and receive emails from the Coalition as new funding opportunities for local nonprofits are posted to this section of the website. 
Funding Opportunities Distribution List

Active Funding Opportunities

The Way Home offers many funding opportunities throughout the year; Stay up-to-date by signing-up for the funding opportunities mailer and check back often for current funding opportunities that may be a best fit for your agency/organization.

  • Fort Bend County HOME-ARP Allocation Plan - Public Meeting Notice

    In 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) into law, which provides over $1.9 trillion in relief to address the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, public health, State and local governments, individuals, and businesses. To address the need for homelessness assistance and supportive services, the program described to allocate $5 billion in ARP funds is the HOME-American Rescue Plan or “HOME-ARP.” 

    The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated $3,322,057.00 to Fort Bend County in HOME-ARP program funds to provide housing, services, and shelter to specific qualifying populations. 

    Fort Bend County must indicate the amount of HOME-ARP funding that is planned for each eligible HOME-ARP activity type in the allocation plan submitted to HUD. The allocation plan must be submitted to HUD by March 31, 2023. 

    Public Meeting Notice: 

    Public meetings will be hosted to receive comments from the public regarding HOME-ARP qualifying populations and eligible activities. The public is encouraged to attend and to submit comments to Carol Borrego, Community Development Director, at 301 Jackson St., Suite 602, Richmond, Texas 77469 or communitydevelopment@fortbendcountytx.gov. Comments will be incorporated into the draft HOME ARP Allocation Plan, as appropriate.

    • Time/Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 10 am  
    • Time/Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 1:30 pm at the 
    • Location: William B. Travis Building 301 Jackson St., 6th Floor Meeting Room, Richmond, Texas 
    • Public Meeting Notice (English)
    • Public Meeting Notice (Spanish)

    To learn more, visit the Fort Bend County Community Development website

  • FY23 RFP for The Way Home PIT Count Consultant/Researcher

    RFP Title: The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Count & Survey/Point in Time Count (PIT) Consultant/Researcher 

    RFP Purpose: To obtain a vendor to conduct an analysis of the 2023 PIT data received and provide a detailed report that will be shared with community partners and funders. Please see RFP for additional details. 

    RFP Document: Click here to view. 

    Date of Release: Friday, January 13, 2023, by 5:00pm 

    Submission Deadline:  Friday, January 27, 2023

    Key Contact and Q/A Contact: contracts@homelesshouston.org 

  • FY23 RFP for The Way Home Needs Assessment

    RFP Title: The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC) Community Needs Assessment (Homeless Services)

    RFP Purpose:  CFTH is seeking a Respondent to conduct a comprehensive homeless community needs assessment for TX-700 Way Home Continuum of Care serving Houston, Pasadena, Harris, Fort Bend, and Montgomery Counties. Please see RFP for additional details. 

    RFP Document: Click here to view. 

    Date of Release: Friday, January 13, 2023, by 5:00pm

    Submission Deadline:  Friday, February 17, 2023

    Key Contact and Q/A Contact: contracts@homelesshouston.org 

HUD NOFO -- Active and Upcoming Competitions

Notices of Funding Opportunity from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

FY2022 NOFO Continuum of Care (CoC)

Important update: The Coalition for the Homeless, Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care, has posted the FY22 CoC Consolidated Application which will be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Important update: The Coalition for the Homeless, Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care, has posted the Final Project Ranking for all projects that have been accepted in the FY 2022 Annual CoC NOFO Competition and will be recommended for funding to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

On August 1, 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the Annual Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition. The Annual NOFO is providing $2.8 billion of funding available for homeless service organizations across the country.

As the Lead Agency to The Way Home CoC (TX-700, Cities of Houston/Pasadena & Harris/Fort Bend/Montgomery Counties), the Coalition for the Homeless will run a local competition to ensure that we submit our CoC Application for the Annual NOFO (Funding Opportunity FR-6500-N-25).

For our Annual local competition, applications will be due no later than September 23, 2022 for new applicants. Please browse the drop-down menu below for the Annual NOFO timeline, mandatory webinar registration links, and other important documents.

MANDATORY FY22 NOFO CoC Grant Conference

This mandatory conference will be held virtually on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, from 2:00-3:30 pm. Registration is required - Click here to register. PLEASE NOTE: If the ARD (Annual Renewal Demand) is not released by HUD by Friday, August 5, 2022, the conference will be postponed to a later date. All registrants will be notified with the new date and time.

For additional information, including important dates and trainings view the FY2022 CoC Grant Application Timeline. 

NOFO materials are posted on the HUD Exchange. Project and collaborative applicants will have all tools necessary to review, update, and complete the application process. Up-to-date information and materials about the NOFO FY2022 CoC Competition can be found here in the NOFO Funding section of The Way Home Portal. 


Please contact nofo@homelesshouston.org.

2022 Special NOFO

Important update: The Coalition for the Homeless, Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care, has posted the FY22 CoC Special NOFO Consolidated Application, which will be submitted to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Coalition for the Homeless, Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care, has posted the final project rankings for all projects that have been accepted in the FY 2022 Special NOFO to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness competition and will be recommended for funding to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

On June 22, 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a Special Notice of Funding Opportunity to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness (“Special NOFO”). The Special NOFO makes $322 million in competitive funding available to communities to address unsheltered and rural homelessness.

As the Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC) (TX-700, Cities of Houston/Pasadena & Harris/Fort Bend/Montgomery Counties), the Coalition for the Homeless will run a local competition to ensure that we submit a funding recommendation for the Special NOFO (Funding Opportunity FR-6500-N-25S).

For our special local competition, applications will be due no later than October 13, 2022. Please browse the drop-down menu below for the Special NOFO timeline, webinar registration links, and other documents.


Per HUD's press release, the package includes “grant funds along with additional vouchers that will enhance communities’ capacity to humanely and effectively address unsheltered homelessness by connecting vulnerable individuals and families to housing, health care, and supportive services” and it “strongly promotes partnerships with health care organizations, public housing authorities and mainstream housing providers, and people with lived experience and expertise of homelessness.”


View more details about the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness



Please contact nofo@homelesshouston.org.

FY2022 Continuum of Care NOFO Competition

On behalf of The Way Home, the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County is recruiting qualified, non-conflicted members to join the 2022 NOFO Rating & Ranking Committee, as well as the CoC Provider Input Workgroup.


Each year, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires each Continuum of Care (CoC) to review the performance of CoC-funded projects within its region and to use their performance to rank renewal and *new projects in order of their funding priority for the annual Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Competition. The purpose of this system is to indicate to HUD the relative funding priorities of projects within a CoC.


Members should be knowledgeable about homelessness and housing in the area and broadly representative of the relevant sectors, subpopulations, and the geographic regions that make up The Way Home (i.e., Houston and Harris, Fort Bend, and Montgomery counties). It is the policy of the CoC, called The Way Home, to have an objective and transparent process for determining the allocation of funding.

The 2022 NOFO Rating & Ranking Committee and CoC Provider Input Workgroup will be committed to ensuring the CoC puts forward the most competitive and system priority aligned applications. The committee and workgroup will use objective, performance based scoring criteria and selection priorities that are approved by The Way Home Steering Committee to determine the extent to which each project addresses HUD’s policy priorities. All final recommendations will be brought forth to the Steering Committee for review and approval, prior to submission to HUD.

  • 2022 NOFO Rating and Ranking Committee

    The Rating & Ranking Committee will be composed of representatives from various groups, including non-profit homeless services and housing providers; housing developers; city representatives; county representatives; mental health; substance abuse; veteran's services; and consumers (people with lived experience of homelessness). You can find complete guidelines regarding the policies and selection process of Rating and Ranking here. It is the policy of the CoC, called The Way Home, to have an objective and transparent process for determining the allocation of funding. 

    2022 NOFO Rating and Ranking Committee Seats

    • 1 Seat- City of Houston Representative (must be a City of Houston Employee or appointed by the city to fill this seat)
    • 1 Seat -Harris County Representative (must be a Harris County Employee or appointed by the County to fill this seat)
    • 1 Seat -Fort Bend County Representative (must be a Fort Bend County Employee or appointed by the County to fill this seat)
    • 1 Seat-Montgomery County Representative (must be a Montgomery County Employee or appointed by the County to fill this seat)
    • 1 Seat -City of Pasadena Representative (must be a City of Pasadena Employee or appointed by the County to fill this seat)
    • 1 Seat -Private Funder Representative (must work for a private foundation within the CoC Region)
    • 1 Seat- Person with Lived Experience
    • 1-Seat- Healthcare (must work for or be appointed by Health Care Partner)
    • 1 Seat-Victim Service Provider Representative (must work for or be appointed by VSP Partner)
    • 1 Seat-Youth System Representative (member of YAB or YAB appointed Representative) 
    • 1 Seat- Veteran System Representative (must work for or be appointed by Veteran Partner) 

    How to join

    Please contact Renee Cavazos at rcavazos@homelesshouston.org if you are interested in being a part of the FY 22 Rating and Ranking Committee (RRC). You will be invited to fill out a short application and Conflict of Interest form to determine eligibility; a list of backup representatives will be maintained. 

    The RRC will meet year-round to effectively implement a CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Planning process, including the release of the CoC NOFO application. The active participation in the Rating and Ranking Committee is key to our system's success. 

    The committee’s first meeting will be on Thursday, MAy 12, 2022, at 10 am. * If you cannot make the first meeting but would like to be a part of the Rating and Ranking Committee, please reach out to Renee. Additional meeting dates/agendas below.  

    Meeting Timeline for Rating and Ranking Committee

    First Meeting - Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 10 AM

    • About
    • Role
    • Overview of CoC and System priorities 
    • Homework- Review of Currently Scoring Rubric 

    Second Meeting - Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 10 AM

    • Training on Scoring and Ranking
    • Overview of Ranking Policy
    • Review of Scoring Rubric- Comments/Edits

    Third Meeting - Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 10 AM

    • Discuss Workgroup recommendations
    • Finalize recommendation to be presented to Steering Committee in the July 2022 Meeting
  • CoC Provider Input Workgroup

    CoC Provider Input to the NOFO Rating and Ranking Committee

    We invite various members of official (and updated) partner agencies to meet and review the following activities regarding the CoC Funding Competition. Your feedback and input is appreciated as valued partners of The Way Home. It is the policy of the CoC to have an objective and transparent process for determining the allocation of funding.

    Duties Include:

    • Review of Renewal Project Scoring Standards
    • Review of Project Scoring, Reallocation, Selection, and Ranking Process
    • Compile recommendation for the Scoring/Ranking Committee to present to CoC Board

    How to join

    If you are interested in joining the CoC provider Input workgroup, please email Renee Cavazos at rcavazos@homelesshouston.org.


    Meeting Timeline for CoC Provider Input Workgroup 

    First Meeting- May 5, 2022 

    • About
    • Role
    • Overview of Scoring/Recommendations
    • Homework- Provide 2-3 recommendations you would like to see made to the scoring/ranking process email to Renee by May 19, 2022

    Second Meeting- June 2, 2022

    • Discuss Recommendations- Discuss a list of recommendations for the 2022 competition
    • Rank Recommendations – provide to the Scoring and Ranking Committee before June 16, 2022.

The Way Home YHDP RFP

Previous competition information; This competition is no longer open!

The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC), our local homeless response system, has received the fourth-highest award in the country in 2021 -- $10 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -- for the Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP). The YHDP provides our community with the funding, technical assistance, and flexibility to develop and implement a coordinated community approach to youth homelessness that matches the needs, assets, constraints, and preferences of our community stakeholders.

The YHDP is an exciting new initiative designed to prevent and end youth homelessness. The goal of the YHDP is to support The Way Home in the development and implementation of a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) to prevent and end youth homelessness. We are excited to announce that The Way Home YHDP CCP was approved by HUD on April 26, 2022!

For more information about The Way Home YHDP, visit the YHDP webpage on The Way Home Partner Portal. For questions about the RFP process and timeline, please register for the events above. Questions? Please contact yhdprfp@homelesshouston.org.

HUD NOFO -- Past Competitions

Notices of Funding Opportunity from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development

As the Lead Agency to The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC) (TX-700, Cities of Houston/Pasadena & Harris/Fort Bend/Montgomery Counties), the Coalition for the Homeless runs a local competition based on the Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) released by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to ensure that we submit a funding recommendation for Funding Opportunity FR-6200-N-25.

A good overview of what to expect during a CoC competition can be found in the NOFO manual below, in addition to previous year's NOFO information for historical context. 

State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) has opened up the opportunity for local Continuum of Cares to host a local competition in lieu of TDHCA reviewing and awarding funds under Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) passed through the department. As the Lead Agency for the TX-700/The Way Home Continuum of Care, the Coalition submitted an application to host this local competition. All communications regarding this funding will come through the Coalition’s funding opportunities e-mail distribution. 
  • Click here to view the 2020 ESG Written Standards 
  • Click here to view the ESG Written Standards CARES Addendum 
  • Click here to view the Rapid Rehousing Business Rules, updated August 1, 2019
  • Click here to sign-up to be notified of the latest funding opportunities 
The Way Home CoC 2020-2021 ESG Annual Allocation Application
The State of Texas receives an annual fund allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is authorized by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by S. 896 The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. The ESG Program is subject to the ESG Interim Regulations at 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 576. 
  • Click here to view the July CoC Steering Committee packet for the recommendation/award resolution. 
  • Click here to view the July CoC Steering Committee minutes for the award approval. 
The Way Home ESG CARES II Applications 
The State of Texas received funding via the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, of which just over $9M has been identified for The Way Home Continuum of Care. This funding is used to prevent, prepare for and respond to COVID-19, prioritizing homeless prevention and rapid re-housing (in particular, the organization’s plan to use landlord incentives, as allowed in HUD CPD Notice 20-08, and the organization’s plan to collaborate with landlords that shows staff members identified to conduct outreach to and negotiation with owners as outlined in 24 CFR §576.105(b)). View the application/competition information below, and sign up for the webinar for more assistance. 

Coalition Funding Opportunities

2022 Community COVID - 19 Housing Program (CCHP) - Phase 2

Request for Expression of Interest (REI) from Qualified Agencies - Mental Health Providers

As a member of The Way Home Continuum of Care (CoC), the City of Houston , Harris County and the Coalition for the Homeless are participating in the community’s plan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic for our most vulnerable residents impacted by COVID-19, people experiencing homelessness. The Community COVID Housing Program (CCHP) will provide permanent supportive housing (PSH), rapid rehousing (RRH), Diversion, & Navigation. 

Request for Expression of Interest (REI) applications are currently being accepted for Mental Health Providers.

Mental Health Support is provided via a specialized team of mental health clinicians who will support existing outreach and housing providers to serve persons experiencing mental illness. The Mental Health Support Team will employ a wraparound model to engage individuals with symptoms of mental illness and provide engagement services, clinical assessment, mental illness treatment coordination, and housing retention supports. 

The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 23, 2022, by 5 pm CST.

Click here to view the full Request for Expression of Interest (REI) application and for more information about the application process.

Local Funding Opportunities

Harmony House, Inc. has re-opened the three (3) Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Navigation Center, a 100+ unit residence serving individuals experiencing homelessness. The Navigation Center will be a referral-only facility and will operate 7 days/week, providing access to housing and employment programs as well as supportive services. The Center will provide a low-barrier temporary residence, with the ultimate outcome of moving tenants out of the Center and into permanent housing.

The Navigation Center is a key component of the Community COVID Housing Program (CCHP), a collaboration between the City of Houston, Harris County, the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County, and many service partners. The Navigation Center is operated by Harmony House, Inc.

The RFP documents below were re-released on 9/2/22. All submissions are due by Friday, September 9, 2022 by 5pm central.

  • Custodial Services for the Navigation Center RFP

    RFP Title - Custodial Services for the Navigation Center operated by Harmony House, Inc.

    RFP Submission Deadline - Friday, September 9, 2022, by 5pm central.

    RFP Document (PDF) - Updated on 9/2/22

    RFP Description 

    The purpose of this RFP is to solicit services from interested and qualified Custodial Service Providers, who have commercial cleaning experience. This provider will bring the experience of running a reliable, commercial cleaning company with quality services. The Center’s population are adults who are experiencing mental health illnesses, trauma, and/or substance abuse.

  • Food Service Vendors for the Navigation Center RFP

    RFP Title - Food Service Vendors for the Navigation Center operated by Harmony House, Inc.

    RFP Submission Deadline - Friday, September 9, 2022, by 5pm central.

    RFP Document (PDF) - Updated on 9/2/22

    RFP Description 

    The purpose of this RFP is to solicit services from interested and qualified Food Service 

    Providers, who can produce and distribute three meals per day to 100+ clients at the Center. The Center’s population are adults who are experiencing mental health illnesses, trauma, and/or substance abuse.

  • Professional Security Services for the Navigation Center RFP

    RFP Title - Professional Security Services for the Navigation Center operated by Harmony House, Inc.

    RFP Submission Deadline - Friday, September 9, 2022, by 5pm central.

    RFP Document (PDF) - Updated on 9/2/22

    RFP Description 

    The purpose of this RFP is to solicit services from interested and qualified Security Service Providers, to include mobile patrol, armed and unarmed security guards, and fire watch. The Navigation Center’s population are adults who are experiencing mental health illnesses, trauma, and/or substance abuse. Harmony House is seeking a company that is compassionate, understanding, and safeguards our clients. Preferred qualifications include experience with the unique requirements of providing security services to a low-barrier homeless services facility. 

ACAM EFSP Phase 40 and Phase 41 Application Now Available!

The Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries, Inc. (ACAM) has announced a new funding/vendor opportunity. Eligible activities for this competition include Food (Served Meals), Other Food, Mass Shelter, Rent/Mortgage Bills Paid and Utility Assistance Bills Paid.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, September 21, 2022, by 12pm CST.

Late applications will not be reviewed. The timestamp on the recipient email will serve as the official time of submission. Early submissions are encouraged to avoid delivery issues

A virtual RFP conference will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 10am CST. Registration is required- Click here to register.

Application materials:

For more information or if you have any questions please visit the ACAM funding webpage or contact EFSP@ACAMweb.org.

Other funding opportunities: 

Click here to view federal grant resources from US Representative Lizzie Fletcher.

For more information on local funding opportunities such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS (HOPWA), etc., please visit the following websites:

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