On Saturday, February 13 and Sunday, February 14, Houston METRO, the Houston Police Department, Sheriff Homeless Outreach Teams, and agency outreach partners (The Coalition for the Homeless, SEARCH Homeless Services, Avenue 360, Star of Hope, The Harris Center PATH, and U.S. Vets) transported people willing to seek shelter to the GRB and other warming centers.
From February 14-20, staff from the Coalition, The Beacon, Career & Recovery Resources, Inc., and SEARCH Homeless Services were on the ground at the GRB to assist with staffing. Healthcare for the Homeless – Houston was also on the ground providing medical care at the GRB. Throughout the week, our communications team fielded fifteen media inquiries from local and national outlets (scroll to bottom for further reading). The Coalition also maintained a blog with the most up-to-date information on resources for the storm.
Assessor volunteers from SEARCH Homeless Services, The Salvation Army, Harmony House, The Harris Center, Career and Recovery Resources, Inc., Avenue 360, and the Coalition also completed about 200 housing assessments. Thanks to the acceleration of funds from the Community COVID Housing Program (CCHP), we hope to be able to house all of those who were assessed and found to be experiencing literal homelessness in the immediate future.