Q: Where are you from originally?
I was born in Atlanta, GA, but I grew up in Houston. We re-located to Houston from San Antonio where we were stationed at Randolph Air Force Base after my dad retired from the military. I graduated from Clear Lake High School and received by B.S. in Psychology from University of Houston-Downtown.
Q: What do you love most about Houston?
I love the Houston culture and the camaraderie. I have seen this city come together in times of celebration and even disaster; I truly believe the support is immeasurable. Houston is like no other city.
Q: What made you want to work in the area of homelessness?
I chose to work in this area because it is not only my passion but my purpose to serve. It is a humbling experience to serve the people in my community. Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.