Q: What do you love most about the Houston region?
The people and the food. I have lived in Houston since 1992 and have found the people here to be welcoming, friendly and generous, unless they’re driving a car. And boy do Houstonians know how to eat! I never knew I was a foodie until I moved here. Now when I travel, even to great cities, I’m usually disappointed by the lack of variety and the lower quality of their restaurant options. Our restaurant scene has put Houston on the map, and rightfully so.
Q: Why is the issue of homelessness important to you?
I work with justice involved folks and homelessness is a widespread and persistent issue for them. Finding safe, affordable, sober housing has been a challenge. I want to get a better understanding of the housing resources available to those with criminal histories, and what we can do to help prevent homelessness going forward.
Q: What do you hope to contribute to the Coalition and people experiencing homelessness?
Although I’m currently running Justice Forward, a nonprofit, my career has been focused on criminal justice for over 30 years. I also spent some time in politics (unfortunately). I believe I can serve as a zealous advocate for the Coalition, as well as an advisor in the area of government, politics and the criminal justice system and how it intersects with homelessness. I will also be able to help secure resources for the homeless with the help of my current community partners.
Q: What are you most proud of?
My children Sam, a senior at UT, and Brynn, a sophomore at Sewanee: The University of the South.
Q: If you invite three people to dinner, living or deceased, who would you invite and why?
My husband Mike, so I could share one more meal with him, get one more of his hugs, and share with him how well our kids have turned out. Amelia Earhart because she has been my heroine since I was a little girl, and I want to know what really happened to her. Governor Ann Richards because we’re both from Waco, we’re both in recovery, we’ve both been in nasty political races and she was ridiculously hilarious. We would have a lot to talk about!